The calendar is the first screen you see when you open phomo.
Tap the arrow icon to quickly jump to the present.
Tap the search icon to jump to a specific date.
Tap the dice icon to generate a collage with randomly chosen photos.
Tap the date icon to toggle between inspect and select modes. -
In inspect mode, tapping a photo will launch the photo detail screen.
A date with a blue border contains multiple photos.

In select mode, you can select up to 16 dates at once.
When 2 or more dates are selected, tap the film strip icon to create a collage from your selections.
Tap the share icon to share the selections to another app.
Tap the clear selection icon to reset the selected dates. -
Tap or drag to select dates. Selected dates are marked with a check.
Today's date is marked in red. If you haven't taken a photo yet, tapping this will take you to the camera scren.

The details screen allows you to view and edit the photo for a single date.
If there are multiple photos for the same date, tap the multiphoto icon and swipe to select the active photo.
Tap the hamburger icon to reveal the menu. Tap the instagram icon to share the photo directly to your Instagram story. Tap the share icon to share the photo to another app. Tap the delete icon to delete the photo (confirmation required).
Swipe left or right to scroll between dates. Swipe up or down to dismiss the details screen. Pinch and pan to non-destructively crop the photo.
Tap the notes section to add or edit a note.
Tap the tags section to add or edit tags. These tags will be used on the filter screen.

The filter screen allows you to view all dates linearly, and filter them based on the tags you've added.
Type in the text box to add a tag to the filter. You can search for dates containing any, all, or none of the tags you've entered.
Tap the scroll direction icon to invert the direction of the list.
The arrow, search, dice, and toggle icons function the same here as on the calendar screen.
Tap a photo to launch the photo detail screen.

The camera screen allows you to capture photos.
Tap the timer icon to start the 5-second self-timer. Tap it again to cancel the countdown. Tap the flip camera icon to toggle between front and rear camera.
Tap inside the camera view to set the focus. Double-tap to toggle between front and rear camera. Pinch to zoom in and out.
Tap the magnifying glass icons to jump to preset zoom levels.
Drag up or down on the magnifying glass dial or the exposure dial to set the zoom and exposure levels, respectively. Double-tap either dial to snap back to neutral. Tap the shutter button to take a photo. Saved photos will be automatically added to the currently selected album.

The collage screen allows you to view, edit, and share collages made from your selected dates.
Tap the back icon or swipe right to return to the previous screen.
Tap the grid/photos switch to toggle between Grid and Photo versions of the collage.
Tap the pencil icon to edit the collage title.
Tap a photo to launch the details screen.
Double tap a photo to flip it over.
Tap the disk icon to save the collage to your camera roll. Tap the instagram icon to share it directly to your instagram story. Tap the share icon to share it to another app. If you generated the collage with the random tool, you can tap the dice icon (not pictured) to randomly select new dates.

Adjust the app's settings from this screen.
Press the Choose button to select an album from all the albums saved on your device. Photos captured in the app will be saved to the currently selected album. When you switch albums, your selections, crops, notes, and tags all come along.
Tap the photo setting buttons to choose a quality level for the Camera screen. "Quality" is good enough for most situations. But if your subject is not well lit, or you want to take the sharpest image possible, use the "Max" setting.
Tap Open Settings to view your system settings for phomo. If you didn't grant the necessary permissions for the app to function, you can grant them here.
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